Archives :
August 2020
The honest cashier and the bent branch manager
Nick Wallis
Trouble up North (of England) pt 1 Hi A quiet couple of weeks has allowed me to turn my attention to a story I have wanted to bring into the public domain for years. It highlights many things, including some pretty rampant fraud, and the tale is told by a former Subpostmaster who ended up…
Stamps fiasco and the Subpostmaster Director
Nick Wallis
Back to the courts? Helloello August is turning into a busy month for Post Office news. The first eye-catching thing of note was the Post Office’s rather staggering admission that it’s had issues selling stamps. Over what may turn out to be a long period of time. The wording in the announcement was curious. It…
Did government officials collude in trying to remove a judge?
Nick Wallis
Like peeling an onion Hello secret emailers I hope you are keeping well. I had a podcast fall through today so I’ve done some Post Office work and I might get a chance to do some Johnny Depp stuff later. First things first – I have written up the answer to a parliamentary question given…
Bates v Post Office settlement agreement published!
Nick Wallis
Settlement secrets Well here’s a turn up for the books. Peter Bell, a gentleman who has taken a keen interest in the Post Office scandal has scored a direct hit with his Freedom of Information request for the settlement agreement which ended the epic Bates v Post Office litigation. The first I knew about it…