Gary’s years of hurt

Gary Thomas

Let’s have a look at another one of the frontline plods who made it their business to investigate Subpostmasters and recommend them (or not) for prosecution based on what, at times, seems to be imaginary evidence.

Gary Thomas (and this will shock you) started his career in the Post Office as a counter clerk, rising to Crown Office branch manager, before joining the Security Team in 2000. He left in 2012. Thomas therefore worked at the heart of the Post Office’s investigation and prosecution complex for 12 of the 13 years it was prosecuting its Subpostmasters on the basis of Horizon evidence, without ever once bothering to find out for himself just how reliable this IT data was.

Thomas had no previous experience of criminal investigations before joining the security team, but a three week residential course soon put that right. Before long he was carrying out investigations of Subpostmasters. Thomas describes the remaining training he got from the Post Office to be “minimal”, but he didn’t need to worry about the Horizon IT system, because, he told the Inquiry (in hopelessly garbled language):

“everyone said the same, but line managers, colleagues, senior lead team manager, the business, was that we had somebody who would give a witness statement from Fujitsu that all the cases seemed to suggest that there was no product integrity [problem?] with Horizon.”

Despite everyone saying the same, Thomas could not explain how this idea originated. It was must have been in the air they breathed.

Millar time

In his witness statement, Thomas wrote about conducting interviews at police stations because the Post Office investigators were “a well-known recognised interviewing authority with the police”.

Megan Millar, the Inquiry barrister questioning Thomas, asked him in what way the Post Office Security unit was a “well-known recognised interviewing authority”. Thomas didn’t know. He’d just heard someone tell him they were.

Thomas couldn’t remember personally recommending Subpostmasters should be charged with criminal offences. Then he was taken by Millar to his witness statement, in which he recollects disagreeing with the hapless Jarnail Singh in one instance over Singh’s gung-ho prosecuting decisions. Thomas wrote:

“I challenged these charges as I had previously advised Mr Singh that there are no Branch Trading Statements available. Not only did I challenge the suggested charges but I also suggest that an appropriate charge under the Fraud Act 2006 should be considered.”

Was this, wondered Millar, evidence Thomas did have input into prosecuting decisions?

“Not that I recall, no,” he said, then appeared to reconsider. “Obviously I have written this… where I’ve managed to get the next bit from, of suggesting an appropriate charge, maybe I was digging from friends, colleagues, or management or something.”

Dodgy data

On the subject of making data requests of Fujitsu, Thomas admitted that even if a suspect Subpostmaster was blaming their discrepancies on dodgy figures from Horizon, it wasn’t a given that ARQ (audit) data would be requested from Fujitsu. Like all the investigators at the Post Office, Thomas held a “belief” that “shortfalls could not actually be attributed to Horizon”. Furthermore if he had requested ARQ data, Thomas was not qualified to understand it, telling Millar he was “self-taught”.

Despite being a Disclosure Officer on many of his investigations, Thomas had no real idea of what this entailed other than writing things down and filing them, or as he had it: “I was told you had to… you know, everything had a place, if that makes sense.” Actual disclosure didn’t seem to come into it.

Julian Wilson, who died in 2016

Thomas was Lead Investigator in the case of Julian Wilson, who sadly died in 2016. Julian Wilson had his conviction for false accounting posthumously quashed in 2021. The Court of Appeal judges ruled:

“Evidence from Horizon was essential to Mr Wilson’s case. Based on the papers available from the criminal proceedings, there is nothing to suggest any ARQ data was obtained, the Post Office did not investigate any of the criticisms of Horizon made by Mr Wilson historically and during his detailed interview. There is no evidence to corroborate the Horizon evidence, there is no proof of an actual loss as opposed to a Horizon-generated shortage.”

What actual investigating was Thomas doing? Well, he searched Julian Wilson’s house (finding nothing), and did the “detailed interview”. The transcript of that has survived. During the interview Wilson started by raising the issue of problems with Horizon. He also told Thomas that he had reported them and said he had been told by his Federation rep of problems other Subpostmasters were having with Horizon.

Thomas responded that “those questions from postmasters weren’t founded in the Horizon system in that they’d been up to no good.” The garbled syntax, at least, is familiar.

Thomas admitted to Millar that making a comment like this during an interview with a Subpostmaster based on no evidence whatsoever was “completely wrong”. In fact, throughout his questioning at the Inquiry, Thomas readily accepted that he had been hopelessly misguided about a lot of his assumptions and appeared to come across as a humble, apologetic human being, “frustrated” that he did not have the tools in his locker to do a single proper investigation, trapped, as he was, in a web of somewhat moronic groupthink.

As Millar took him through the procedural oversights in Julian Wilson’s case, most of which had nothing to do with Horizon and a lot to do with an assumption Wilson was guilty (which became, due to Wilson’s guilty plea, a self-fulfilling prophecy), Thomas readily, almost enthusiastically, accepted his failures.

The best investigators they ever had

But just as Jarnail Singh’s attempts to portray himself as a witless victim were harpooned by contemporaneous documents, towards the end of Thomas’s evidence he was shown an email he sent a colleague in 2015 – six years after the formation of the Justice for Subpostmasters Alliance and two years after the Second Sight report which revealed flaws in the Horizon system. In the email (just published at my request by the Inquiry), Thomas tells his colleague he is “pleased” he has got his hands on electronic documents relating to Julian Wilson’s case. When his colleague asks why, Thomas replies:

“Because I want to prove that there is FFFFiiinnn no ‘Case for the Justice of Thieving Subpostmasters’ and that we were the best Investigators they ever had and they were all crooks!!”

At the Inquiry, Thomas accepted this was “disgraceful” and apologised to “absolutely everybody” because “I’ve labelled absolutely everybody, so I can’t defend it”.

No, but you wrote it.

The Wilson family, with Karen holding a photo of her beloved Julian on the day his conviction was finally quashed

I asked Karen Wilson, Julian’s widow, what she thought of Thomas’s evidence. She told me it made a change to hear from someone at the Post Office who wasn’t suffering from memory loss. She also credited Thomas with “honesty” and showing “some regret” for his actions. Then, said Karen:

“When the emails at the end of the evidence came up on the screen in respect of the “Case for the Justice of Thieving Subpostmasters” and that they were “all crooks” my doubts began to surface, as did my anger at what happened.”

She remembered Julian telling her about the “cruel interrogation” Thomas put him through, adding:

“I shall never ever forget the words said to Julian when the confiscation order was served upon us and we pleaded with the Post Office investigators as to how we would live and eat. We were told “live off the money you stole”. Sort of fits with the mindset that they appear to have had, doesn’t it?”

The various Post Office people we have heard from in recent weeks have been at pains to point out that if only someone had told them there might be problems with Horizon then everything would have been different. The reality, as evidenced by the contemporaneous documents, was that they were both malicious and incompetent. It was far easier to assume guilt and use their legal firepower to abuse the criminal justice system by pushing innocent but desperate people into a place where pleading guilty plea seemed like the least worst option.

Difficult and traumatic

There is a coda to the Thomas story. In 2021, four years after he left the Post Office and a couple of weeks after 39 Subpostmasters had their convictions quashed at the Court of Appeal, Gary Thomas wrote a quite extraordinary email to the Chief Executive of the Post Office, Nick Read. In his email (also just published by the Inquiry), Thomas said:

I was employed to carry out numerous roles over my 32 year career and a Post Office Security Manager was one of my roles I was employed in for around 10 years. During this time I carried out several criminal investigations interviewing suspected Criminal Offences by Postmasters along with my colleagues. This included PACE tape recorded interviews both voluntarily and following individuals being arrested and at Police Stations. The arrests were based on evidence both myself and colleagues would present to the Police stating the frauds were conducted through the Horizon Computer System. I now know that all this evidence was obviously flawed and without substance. The Post Office in my opinion therefore at the time blatantly lied and duped both me and colleagues into producing incorrect evidence to the Police, submitted committal papers to both the CPS and Post Office Law department that resulted in Criminal Trials and Prosecutions.

The past few years since this scandal has been brought to light under the “Justice For Postmasters” have been to say the least difficult and traumatic. I have to live with the fact I gave evidence under oath in several Courts swearing on the bible each time and now knowing this was incorrect and lies. My family and myself have been subjected to abuse and comments that I had given false evidence that was now proven to have been known yet hidden by the Post Office board of that time.

I took redundancy from Post Office Ltd in 2017 after 32 years loyal and committed service and now have to live with all this every day as do my other Security colleagues that I have recently spoken with. We even had a proceeds of crime unit within Post Office Ltd that ensured some of these individuals lost their homes and families. In fact my yearly objectives that were bonus worthy at the time were based on numbers of successful prosecutions and recovery amounts of money to the business. I had some instances of these Postmasters commmitting suicide, which now sits somewhat on my conscious because of my employer. How do you think I deal with this and now actually sleep at night now knowing my actions that were backed and supported by my employer has affected the said Postmasters but also the individuals you employed to conduct this role.

I am writing to you so you also realise the effect this has had on not just the Postmasters affected but also on the employees directed and instructed by their employer Post Office Ltd to perform the Security / Investigation role at this time.

Can I ask the question and enquire why we have all been completely cast aside and left with not so much as a letter of communication or an apology whatsoever ?

Whilst compensation is being correctly awarded now to these Sub-Postmasters, I feel the employees instructed to conduct these prosecutions, arrests and searches have been completely overlooked.

I will await your response before taking further advice from my Solicitor.

As the tiniest violins play for the “cast aside” investigators, consider the moral bankruptcy in awarding staff bonuses based on the number of successful criminal prosecutions and cash recoveries they make (corroborated in fellow investigator Dave Posnett’s evidence). No wonder Gary and his mates were keen to bang up the likes of Julian Wilson and steal all their assets.

Nothing has changed. This year the Post Office senior leadership team awarded themselves bonuses for the work they did assisting the public inquiry: cash in whilst you are creating a disaster, cash in as you watch it unravel.

And note that Thomas’s mask of righteous anger slips towards the end of the email, as something else comes to the fore. His cri de coeur of abuse and trauma has suddenly seemed to become a none-too-subtle demand for compensation. Is he also looking to screw a few more quid out of the scandal, this time via his former employer rather than the vulnerable Subpostmasters he considered “crooks”?

At the inquiry Thomas was keen to insist his letter had been misinterpreted by the Post Office (which internally called it “an attempt to negotiate a payment”), and that all he was after was an apology. Reading the contemporaneous document again… it doesn’t really look like it, mate.

Maybe Thomas is genuinely contrite about his role in harming so many others. If so, I wonder, other than sending a few self-pitying emails, what he’s actually done about it?

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42 responses to “Gary’s years of hurt”

  1. Totally insignificant in the greater scheme of things, but nevertheless a mystery to me: What is this “midnight snow”?

  2. I was sacked by Royal Mail on two counts of Gross Misconduct. I bumped into a wall when I released the handbrake on a van which was blocking mine in and failed to reapply it in time. I do not feel any guilt, apart from the trauma caused to my family who suffered horribly; the appeal, the Union non-involvement and the entire drawn out process, ending with a phone call from ACAS, an NDA and a paltry hush payment. It caused my wife to become ill. I considered taking my own life once, but came to my senses. I can thank a particularly kind Union Rep acting on his own for that. Four free sessions with a psychotherapist who I ended up delivering the Telegraph to was about as much use an out of order speaker phone. I wept, she said ‘write to your MP’ and ‘fill in this form for me.’
    Reading Nick Wallis’ book and blogs, I now recognise the same complete disregard by management for the health of the mostly loyal posties they are put in charge of. Royal Mail and the Post Office were under one umbrella at the time.
    SPMs I worked with just disappeared. Villages and towns lost their POs over night, The electronic madness and cruelty affected us all.

  3. With reference to the nomenclature of the “investigation and prosecution” department/office at the Post Office Limited, I suggest ” imagination and provocation” department are suitable alternatives and more accurately reflect the culture of same.

  4. Yes thank you for all you’ve been doing in this. I’ve been watching the Inquiry on YouTube and Jason Beer’s expert questioning. Watched John Scott last night and was shocked at the number of ‘I don’t recall’ answers. I guess it sounds better than ‘I can’t remember’. Might as well have answered ‘no comment’. He struggled to admit to writing documents which were shown onscreen, and denied his obvious involvement in non-disclosure strategies and often would not give names. These people don’t realise we can see right through them. Not impressed by any of these PO officials and can see what the SPMs were up against. Nasty.

  5. In many month’s, or maybe years to come there seems to be an outlook of potential full compensation to all of the sub post masters involved in this despicable managerial farce .
    and most of the morons who deleted papers, and e mails and told deliberate lies about this human mind bending farce will probably walk away
    unscathed with their big pension pots and bonuses intact.

  6. The main culprits have been well and truly identified – the police investigation will take 2 years following inquiry’s closure so years and years before any justice.
    But following precedents established and inflicted by PO and Fujitsu self declared guilt ridden parties on so many honourable people, SHOULD Parliament bring in immediate imprisonment laws so that identified culprits are jailed pending findings of the police later on, at which point ongoing prison terms can be set by law courts for the guilty – any able to secure a not guilty judgement then return to society. After all why should these culprits who destroyed the lives of so many be allowed extra years of ‘happiness’.

  7. So the only qualification for applying to be a tall poppy at the Post Orifice is being a sadist, liar, whacka and general barsteward?


  8. Wallis, I commend you on your bonzer work in this sewer. Good onya!

    Don’t want to knock yer back, but there’s a bone to pick with you.

    You keep using “prosecute”, “prosecuting”, “prosecutor” etc.

    Pardon, but that’s for the roos.

    These should instead be “persecute”, “persecuting”, “persecutor”, etc. I’m an expert but not cruel like them

    No drama but please cobber no repetition.

    Do you or anyone wish these greedy lying ratbag POO whackers, bludgers and fibbers, sheilas and blokes alike, all guilty as fook, would come to the outback for a holiday, broaden their outlook on life, kinda?

  9. Steven Betteridge avatar
    Steven Betteridge

    As a criminal investigator for a large government department (NOT the PO!!!), This is a shambles. Our training is 10 weeks basic training, a year being shadowed and assessed, three weeks separate disclosure training as well as other courses.

    Disclosure is vital. And you have to also look towards the barristers from the PO. They have also failed.

    My colleagues and I are universally disgusted by what we’re hearing.

  10. I’ve been following the PO scandal for a number of years & often think it can’t get any worse – but it does get worse.

    Thanks for all your hard work on this.

    1. Don’t spit yer dummy, a lot worse is to come.

      The dipsticks dithering, ducking and diving are gonna be flushed out of the dunny, and then it’s open season for the pros.

      That Jason Beer is a right ripper, and Julian Blake’s no slouch either!

      Hope they deep fumigate the witness chair after each session, might be a health hazard otherwise, and we don’t want the PO ratbags going cranky and cheating justice again.

      1. I seriously doubt if anybody will be made to answer about this human catastrophy,
        it will probably be swept under the carpet, or be forgotten about fir several years like many other British disasters.

  11. In Australia, there was a similar scandal of Social Security recipients being incorrectly accused of receiving overpayments because of a computer system called Robodebt, that had the ability to remove money from people’s bank accounts.
    The amounts involved were often enormous and when people questioned the overpayments, they were told that the system doesn’t make mistakes.
    Now, here’s the sting in the tail.
    Eventually, Robodebt was found to be severely flawed but the (conservative) government kept using it.
    Even after the High Court determined that demands for repayment were illegal, they continued.
    The new Labor government held an enquiry but previous ministers responsible have denied wrong doing and still sit in parliament.
    As in the UK case, people lost their houses and some committed suicide, but the people who caused the mess don’t care.

    1. Too right, big scandal Down Under, but swept under the carpet.

      Robodebt wasn’t by I See Elle Phoo-ju-jitsu but may have been their prototype.

  12. Gary is now at Nuffield Motors in Poole where he invites us as follows
    “In the month of February show the love😘 for your car by booking a Service
    PLEASE CALL GARY NOW ON 01202 678787 and Quote “LOVE”
    You couldn’t make it up.

    1. Just retire and disappear.ffs. Any compensation he gets should be donated to the victims. I would do that.

      1. I don’t want him to just retire and disappear.

  13. I am sure that SPMs were self employed, not employees of the POalthough they were often referred to as such in the ITV film. This partly explains why they were pursued over the ‘shortfalls’. They had a contract with the PO which says it all. Even before Horizon they received visits from the Gestapo, when they were treated from the outset as if they were guilty. IMHO the P.O. has always been a shambles, I think it should be sold to the Czech sphinx so that we can stop bailing it out.

  14. Mervin McQuillan avatar
    Mervin McQuillan

    I hope you’re not just going to give up on taking the government to court but the bastards at Fujitsu itself that’s were it started. I would be happy to see the government and the former subpostmasters have a joint claim for damages and emotional distress and try to bring that fucking company down

  15. I had heard about this scandal but until watching the drama which had me in tears in parts, had no clue as to the scale and downright evil of it. Can’t say it surprises me, I worked in Personnel at the end of the 80’s in the Royal Mail, and management were clowns then. The district Postmaster was an arrogant jerk who would swan around the building with his “Reporting Group” of manager grade assistants accompanying him who were all graduate entry types, clueless and arrogant.

    I didn’t stay long, it was a frustrating place to work, I always believed the investigation people were ex Police, no idea they trained them internally which doesn’t surprise me how bad they were having attended the Post Office Clerical College in Bedford once which was a pointless experience.

    My subsequent career involved prosecutions, though not in the Police, and as case officer would rely on my evidence and case preparation, these were criminal cases In Magistrates and Crown courts so had to follow the same legal guidelines as any other, CJA, Pace etc I trained and studied for qualifications for 4 years, only after two was I able to even sign certain documents. I studied for qualifications in that time, lecturers included retired barristers, I also attended training at the Police training centre, and had to complete 13 hours training every year in the 25 years I worked in that job.

    3 weeks internal training then being let loose is scandalous itself and clearly a recipe for disaster somewhere

  16. All post office bonuses given to management during the period of the investigation should be returned to help fund the legal costs of the subpostmasters. If the money is not available then they should be bankrupted. The senior staff should also go to prison for manslaughter if anyone killed themselves due to prosecution. All government contracts to the computer company should be cancelled and any profits returned from these and the contracts with the post office contract should be returned.

    1. I fully concur to every syllable of Philip Mercer’s post.
      It beggars belief that the “culprits” of such sickening actions against the sub postmasters ( by the pathetic and corrupt Post Office Management ) still walk amongst us.
      It’s a national disgrace that has to result in heads rolling.

      1. Sorry thing about your input about the CULPRITs, this farce will be dragged on fir so long only the people who were bankrupted or jailed will keep up with it, only to find in anything that invoves British Politicians , they will get away with it and millions of more money will be used to cover up this disgraceful shambles lnto
        a govetnment department run by idiots.

    2. False prosecution of course. Must be corporate manslaughter, surely.

  17. We as a nation should not let this rest or no one is safe from exploitation and cover ups by a government department.
    What has happened to these innocent people is criminal and the people who knew at all levels MUST be held responsible
    “I was only obeying orders” is no excuse, people died for goodness sake
    Why did the SPM not get legal aid?

    1. How can we as a nation ever accept this appalling corruption and criminal behaviour in both the Post Office and our legal system? If the PO was given the right to carry out its own prosecutions then surely its staff should have had proper qualifications, training and supervision to justify such a privileged position to act on behalf of HM Government? This man was clearly unsuitable and inadequately placed to perform the role given to him. No wonder he can’t sleep at nights from the evil fed to him from his superiors.
      We need to see criminal convictions of senior personnel at the PO including Vennells and whoever in the government must have been driving this. Can there be any doubt that senior people knew about the failures in the Horizons system and yet drove innocent victims to their destruction? I have worked in software development, deployment and training for 30 years or more and cannot see a situation where the users would automatically be blamed for finding imbalances in their books. The first port of call would always be to question the system itself.
      This country for once needs to see the Establishment put in the accused chair in court and prosecuted and locked up in order for the British public to believe in the law again and even that would only be the first act of healing in this awful awful case.

      1. The lost papers and lies all around the post office managers will most likely result in some underlings being prosecuted for incomletence , when it should be top of the house and all of the several Prime ministers who chose not to take any input into this national administration cover up farce should also be made to answer “Why they did not look into the Post Office Scandal” or was it easier just to sweep it under the carpet , and let the next one deal with it?

    2. Oh the defence of I was only taking orders, what does it remind you.
      As for the ex employees, they have to be the dumbest set of witnesses ever to testify in one place.

      1. “Ve ver only obeying orders”, yesssss.

        But worse than the nazis.

        Some of those Huns back then really would have got in deep doodoo if they had disobeyed, been sliced wide open.

        But these evil whackos just did it for greed, for filthy bucks.

        What a world.

  18. Thank you Nick, Karen, Computer Weekly, and Private Eye amongst (too few) others for pursuing this massive injustice. Love the book, and these ongoing reports. Excellent journalism of a kind rarely seen these days.

    As others have mentioned, this failure ultimately is on the senior management and Board of POL.

    The lower employees like Thomas, whilst woeful, can at least make a poor case re their lack of training and experience etc. Singh is wholly discredited, and yes, his professional body should be investigating him and other legal people for their manifest failure of duty, competence, and adherence to professional standards & Codes of Ethics, (are the latter two misnomers?)

    It still staggers me that no one in POL asked serious questions of Fujitisu technical people about the Horizon system, and built a whole rotten edifice of belief in its infallibility. (Or if they did, when the answers came back that they didn’t like, buried such reports – an obvious attempt to pervert the course of justice).

    That this cost innocent people their livelihoods, freedom, and in some cases, their lives, is disgraceful. There needs to be recommendations from the Inquiry outcomes as to criminal prosecutions of senior people starting with Vennells downward, and jail time as necessary.

    As a Hillsborough survivor, that such injustices continue is doubly sickening.

    1. i agree with everything you have said The whole scandal is utterly disgusting & heartbreaking The despicable creatures at both The post office & Fujitzu have blood on their hands and while I applaud the criminal investigation, sadly as a survivor of the Hillsborough tragedy you know that not one person will realistically face custodial sentences- just as Hillsborough those responsible will crawl under their highly pensionable rock and live a very comfortable life while others like yourself have to face the rest of their lives surrounded by trauma & financial misery – I used to love my motherland the Uk, but increasingly i feel let down by the so called judicial system, it’s corrupt- it’s rotten – it’s broken and i am
      so sad for anyone , and there are thousands – who has had to fight the poisoned system that is there to so called ‘support’ them There is no justice they just get away with it time and time again
      Paula Vennals and the CEO of Fujitsu , David Duckenfield : Hillsborough
      Alison Kelly – Countess of Chester Hospital who ignored serious concerns about the murderer Lucy Letby to name but a few despicable creatures involved in corporate criminal activity
      in the case of Letby case , the Doctors that raised the concerns were bullied and one was sacked and 2 were made to apologise to the ‘murderer’ for daring to have concerns about her conduct – utterly utterly unbelievable
      All of the above mentioned are just removed with their pensions to lead their lives – when will this country grow a pair and ACTUALLY convict people and make them go to prison why are we so weak in doing this ??? i just don’t get it – Often, I feel that all that is needed is an acknowledgment that a mistake was made and an apology made will help ease the pain, but of course admitting that in public has consequences and that’s why it will never happen
      I hope all of those people who knowingly make commit these crimes that result in death to innocent people or cause them to take their own lives , live the rest of their lives with severe guilt but sadly i don’t think they do
      they make me sick to my stomach
      all we can hope is that Karma pays them all a visit.
      I am so sad that you experienced the tragedy at Hillsborough – I followed it avidly and passionately for years
      and cheered with you all at the final verdict of unlawful killings but again where were the custodial sentences???? where was the justice??? where was the apology??
      i hope you are ok and send my best wishes

      1. Well we’ll know a little more about the Lucy Letby case when her appeal is heard. There are many people who believe that her conviction is yet another grave miscarriage of justice.

        One of the weaknesses of an adversarial system of justice is that it’s not designed to get to the truth but to enable a winner or loser. There are many cases where an inquisitorial system is far superior,

      2. It is easier just to cover up and try to get things out of the .edia control.
        then bad stuff will be forgotten .
        unfortunately the post office finance department, and many others will most likely not be prosecuted , in the way the sub post masters were.

      3. The Lucy Letby is not as clear-cut as you describe.

        There is evidence suggesting she’s been framed in much the same way as the SPMs; to hide numerous failings within the hospital unit.. With similarities to a recent case in Holland.

        1. Indeed. There was no motive and statistical circumstantial evidence that is dubious to say the least. We’ll know more during the appeal.

  19. It is disgraceful that this scandal continues and that the real criminals, the Post Office Board, have not been brought to justice and they continue to live off the high salaries, bonuses and pensions that the accused sub postmasters will never realise.

  20. Again, thank you Nick (and Karen). It strikes me, far from the first time, that the mentality of many of these POL employees will make them unable to truly appreciate the hurt and loss suffered by the people they victimised.

    I watched Thomas’ appearance and was, like pretty much everyone, staggered by his letter to Nick Read. I think it needs to be looked at through the prism of the man obviously being an idiot (albeit not in the Jarnail Singh category).

    In context though that letter may have some “positives”. It firstly makes clear that there were at least some POL employees who understood the depth of the injustices they had wrought, and will also make for an interesting questioning of Read.

    I think it is also likely inevitable that, even if it isn’t happening already, the less reputable areas of the legal profession will start feeding on whatever angles of this scandal they can. And that probably includes trying to assist former POL employees like Thomas ‘cope’ with the consequences of their actions.

    And yes I am totally aware of the irony in the use of terms like “the less reputable areas of the legal profession”. The silence of the SRA, at very least, is thunderous.

  21. thanks Nick for this blog.

  22. These buffoons who rode rough shod through SPM’s lives are without doubt culpable, but POL knew very well they were sending nothing more than monkeys to do their dirty work. The fact that the monkeys started running the zoo is unforgivable but it is the quiet, backtracking, squirming, mea culpa on display by every POL employee which is difficult to take. Mr. Thomas is right, why have we forgotten him & his colleagues, they deserve a public humiliation as per the unfortunate SPM’s those morons pursued.

    1. He will presumably now be onto his solicitors for the grief he’ll get as a result of his appearance, inc Nick’s article, all our comments, and so-on!

  23. Thank you, Nick, for all you are doing to keep this scandal in the public eye.

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