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Post Office Scandal: civil service advice to Ed Davey used to shut down Alan Bates published in full
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hi there I hope you had a good weekend. There was a lot of news and sport going on, for sure. Today at the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry, the briefing note given to Ed Davey ahead of his meeting with Alan Bates was given another going over, so I sought to enquire if it…
Post Office Inquiry: The Callard Complacency
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Good morning I am afraid I have not had the opportunity to put up a piece on Richard Callard, nor have I had time to watch the evidence of Patrick O’Sullivan, the second witness on Wednesday. I was at Callard yesterday in a largely deserted hearing room, though both Richard Brooks from Private Eye and…
Post Office Inquiry: the “minority of one” inside the government and Post Office attempting to avert disaster
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Morning Yesterday saw evidence at the Post Office Horizon IT inquiry from Tom Cooper, one of the most significant witnesses in this whole inquiry to date. Cooper was UK Government Investments’ man on the Post Office board, where he was a Non-Executive Director. He joined in 2018, two years into the Post Office’s litigation against…
Post Office Scandal: a corporate governance disaster pt 7583
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Captains of Industrial Hindsight Morning It was a bit of a grind yesterday, what with all the live-tweeting and article-writing. I came out the other end at around 10.40pm with not one, but two blog posts about yesterday’s witnesses. The first “Down ShEx – UKGI on heat (maps) and relish” is a combination of several…
Post Office Inquiry: Dawn of the Mandarins
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hello! I’ll start with some good news. Campaigning Subpostmaster Noel Thomas is going to get an honorary degree from Bangor University! More here. Also – campaigning MP Kevan Jones, who stood down at the last election, is being elevated to the House of Lords. Justice for Subpostmasters Alliance founder Sir Alan Bates told Computer Weekly:…
Post Office Inquiry: Part-time Parker and his Problems with Privilege
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Good morning, Former Chair of the Post Office Tim Parker gave evidence to the Inquiry yesterday, and I think the thing we all probably learned was that he was not sufficiently interested in the scandal to do much about it. You can read my report here. Some of it was written on a train, some…
Secret email: Parker Preview and Glitch – the latest play about the Post Office Scandal
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hello there I was lucky enough to attend a performance of Glitch last night at the Minghella Theatre in Reading. It’s the second play I’ve seen about the Post Office Horizon IT scandal and unlikely to be the last. This one focuses on Pam Stubbs’ story. Pam ran a Post Office in Barkham near Wokingham,…
Jenkins Day 3: the holy fool
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Good morning from a blowy Cramond near Edinburgh. I am sorry I will not be able to cover the fourth day of Gareth Jenkins’ evidence at the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry today. It has already begun. You can watch it here: One very useful tool in the YouTube box is the playback speed option.…
Jenkins Day 2: the god complex unravels
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hiya My report on Day 2 of Gareth Jenkins is up and can be found here: “The god complex unravels“ I suspect after yesterday, Jenkins has some idea of just how much trouble he’s in (if you missed it, here’s my report from Day 1: “The misplaced confidence of an unreliable god“). Jason Beer spent…
Jenkins Day 1: the misplaced confidence of an unreliable god
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
… what will day 2 bring? Morning! My report on day one of Gareth Jenkins’ evidence to the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry can be found here: Gareth Jenkins: the incredible witness I touch on his belief in the robustness of the Horizon system, his superiority complex, his lack of investigation into global bugs, errors…