This is an archive of “secret email” newsletters sent out to subscribers. Only newsletters older than six months are available to read here. To get up-to-date current newsletter emails, please consider donating here.
Horizon trial menu
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Reporting the class action against the Post Office at the High Court The Horizon trial is the second trial in the Bates and others v Post Office group litigation at the High Court. It is being held between Mon 11 March and Thu 4 April 2019 at the Rolls Building in London. Mr Justice Fraser…
Something for the weekend…? pre-trial judgment on Second Sight evidence
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Reporting the class action against the Post Office at the High Court Pre-Horizon trial transcript and judgment Here’s something to get you in the mood for Monday. On Thu 14 Feb I attended a pre-trial review at the High Court’s Rolls Building (read my immediate notes here). This was essentially an administrative affair, save for…
Post Office Trial secret email 7 March
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Only one thing missing now – a judgment Hello secret emailers I still haven’t received the “perfected” transcript of the final day of the Common Issues trial, so I’ve posted up the unamended transcript I was sent on the day. It’s unlikely to be radically different from the final version. You can read it here.…
Post Office Trial secret email 4 March
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Common Issues trial admin Hello secret emailers With the second trial starting a week today I thought I had better do some more admin on the first trial. I have been sent the transcripts of days 12 to 14 of the common issues trial and now posted them up on the blog. The best way…
Confirmation of Horizon Trial scheduling
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Reporting the class action against the Post Office at the High Court Hi there. A press release from Luther Pendragon, the PRs for Freeths (solicitors for the claimants) came through today. It doesn’t tell you anything avid readers of this blog don’t know already, but as things kick off a week today, I thought it…
Post Office Trial secret email 1 March
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Whyyyy are we waayyting…? After being told by the judge himself he had aimed to get his Common Issues trial judgment out by the end of January we were then told, without warning or explanation, it would out “not before” the end of February. We were then told, again by the judge, that he was…
The ballad of Paula Vennells
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Reporting the class action against the Post Office at the High Court Paula Vennells has this week announced she’ll be leaving the Post Office to join Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust as its Chair in April. In January she was awarded a CBE and on 7 Feb she was appointed as a non-executive board member…
So where are we now?
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Reporting the class action against the Post Office at the High Court Today’s pre-trial review was a matter of crossing the tees and dotting the ayes before the Horizon trial, which begins three weeks on Monday. As the “unbelievably clever and super charming” Anthony de Garr Robinson QC (above) will be leading the Post Office’s…
Live tweets: Horizon trial pre-trial review
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Reporting the class action against the Post Office at the High Court Live tweets: Horizon pre-trial review Here are the live tweets I sent out during this morning’s pre-trial review. You can read a beautifully-formatted version on thread reader here and you can read the original thread on twitter here. Or just read down… We…
Post Office Trial secret email Valentine’s Day Special
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hello there It really is a stunning, frosty morning down here in the South East. Today I’m up to the Rolls Building for the second time this week. Tuesday’s case management conference (CMC) barely touched on the upcoming Horizon trial (starting 11 March). Today’s Pre-trial Conference (PTC) is all about it. I am hoping we…