Secret email about the Post Office Scandal. Shh!

Horizon trial secret email 15 March – He did it

He really did.

That was quite something to witness. Tears in the courtroom, broad smiles outside. Happy claimants, happy lawyers and several television cameras out there to record it for posterity.

I am contracted to ITV News for today which will save you some money, but may slow down my progress in getting information out to you.

I suspect you probably want to read the judgment, don’t you?

Here it is on

Here it is (on scrib’d).

I will post up the appendices and embedded versions and comment and quotes on as soon as possible.

Well done to all the claimants and their legal team, commiserations to the Post Office. I am going to spend the rest of the afternoon reading the judgment. Please do send me any snippets you like with the relevant paragraph number attached. I am told the judge’s opinion of the Post Office’s witnesses is, er, revealing.

Finally a big thanks to Alan, James, Jo, Seem, Tom and all the other claimants who have fronted up for the cameras today. Please keep doing it. It means people get to hear this story. It has an importance which people who are not part of it are only just starting to realise.

Listen to Matthew Wright’s show on TalkRadio at 3.20pm, watch Channel 5 News at 5pm, watch the ITV evening news at 6.30pm, watch Channel 4 News at 7pm and watch the News at Ten on ITV. They were all there today. Hopefully they’ll run something!

More to follow.

Best regards


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