Secret email about the Post Office Scandal. Shh!

Going Postal

Evening all

I have written up what happened this afternoon, posted up the transcript and posted up the recusal application. Do have a look at the links below.

I realise many of you are stunned by what has happened today. We are going to have a gap in the trial proceedings now. One lawyer thought there would be no chance of getting going again before the summer. The Post Office can appeal the judgment and they can appeal Mr Justice Fraser’s decision on the recusal application.

I’ve said it many times before, if you are a claimant and you want to shine a light on what you’ve had to go through, you need a media campaign to run alongside your legal one. The thing the Post Office seems to care about more than anything else is its reputation. It can appeal every judgment in this litigation if it chooses. And there are two more courts above the High Court to keep fighting this in. As I say in my piece, it’s going to be brutal.

Day 8 write-up: going Postal

Day 8 transcript

The actual application

Computer Weekly write up

And here’s what I’ve sent you already today for completeness.

This is the story as it unfolded through my tweets

The Post Office’s rationale for the application

My hot take on the effect this Application will have on the claimants.

I’ll be working on this story all day tomorrow and Monday. So please do keep your thoughts and comments coming. I’ll actually be able to reply for once!

Best regards


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