Evening all
Today was almost comical. Over lunch and for most of the afternoon I could not help wondering what the point of this particular trial actually is. The first one was all about demonstrating the persistent cultural stupidity and callousness of the Post Office in the way it interpreted its contracts and the way it treated its Subpostmasters.
Apart from some tedious legalese the issues were pretty obvious to everyone.
This trial is just bonkers. I was vacillating between anger at the sheer waste of money and life it represents and marvelling at the windmill-tilting lunacy of it all. Maybe I’m getting hysterical.
Thankfully it is a non-trial day tomorrow. But there’s plenty of reading for you to do before we reconvene on Thursday:
Here’s today’s court report: “Dr Robert“
Here’s today’s transcript (the best one for a while)
Here are today’s tweets all on one lovely page.
Here are Dr Robert Worden’s expert reports.
Here are the independent experts’ joint statements.
À bientôt!