Secret email about the Post Office Scandal. Shh!

Newsflash: He’s Done It Again!

Court of Appeal rejects Post Office application

Well here’s a thing. Lord Justice Coulson has rejected the Post Office’s attempt to appeal the first (Common Issues) trial judgment.

Sir Peter Fraser’s epic 180,000 word judgment, handed down on 15 March this year stands. In its entirety.

I suspect this is barely beginning to sink in for some people, but the effect this will have on the whole litigation is huge. Whatever the Horizon trial judgment, the claimants are now on course to receive significant damages, or a mighty big settlement.

The scale of Alan Bates achievement and that of his legal advisors, plus the claimants who painstakingly put together their witnesses statements and those who were cross-examined in court cannot be overstated.

More comment to follow later. Read the reasons for Lord Coulson’s decision here.

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